ตลาดนัดรถไฟ ศรีนครินทร์ (Train Night Market Srinakarin)

Talad Rod Fai Train Night Market


This night market is more retro than the others, with antiquities, food stalls, bars, vintage clothes, music... A little bit outside of the city.

Opening hours: Friday to Sunday from 17:00 to 1:00.

Closed Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

This night market is more retro than the others, with antiquities, food stalls, bars, vintage clothes, music... A little bit outside of the city.

Opening hours: Friday to Sunday from 17:00 to …


This night market is more retro than the others, with antiquities, food stalls, bars, vintage clothes, music... A little bit outside of the city.

Opening hours: Friday to Sunday from 17:00 to 1:00.

Closed Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.


Talad Rod Fai Train Night Market

ตลาดนัดรถไฟ ศรีนครินทร์ (Train Night Market Srinakarin)

This night market is more retro than the others, with antiquities, food stalls, bars, vintage clothes, music... A little bit outside of the city.

Opening hours: Friday to Sunday from 17:00 to 1:00.

Closed Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

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