
Ponte del Rialto


Puente de Rialto, Sestiere San Polo, 30125 Venezia VE, Italia

The Bridge of the Rialto is the most antique bridge of Venice. It gained importance because of its location, near the Rialto market.

The bridge was originally made of wood, but as it broke down twice and got burnt down, it was replaced by the one that's there today, which was built between 1588 and 1591.

The Bridge of the Rialto is the most antique bridge of Venice. It gained importance because of its location, near the Rialto market.

The bridge was originally made of …


The Bridge of the Rialto is the most antique bridge of Venice. It gained importance because of its location, near the Rialto market.

The bridge was originally made of wood, but as it broke down twice and got burnt down, it was replaced by the one that's there today, which was built between 1588 and 1591.

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