Casa Batlló

Magic Nights at Casa Batlló


A great way to make the most of your days: Visit the Casa Batlló at night with a reduced group of people + Enjoy a concert and drinks in its magical roof.

In summer there are shows every night.

Check the availability and Book your tickets online here

A great way to make the most of your days: Visit the Casa Batlló at night with a reduced group of people + Enjoy a concert and drinks in its …


A great way to make the most of your days: Visit the Casa Batlló at night with a reduced group of people + Enjoy a concert and drinks in its magical roof.

In summer there are shows every night.

Check the availability and Book your tickets online here


Magic Nights at Casa Batlló

Casa Batlló

A great way to make the most of your days: Visit the Casa Batlló at night with a reduced group of people + Enjoy a concert and drinks in its magical roof.

In summer there are shows every night.

Check the availability and Book your tickets online here

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