Le Lido

Le Lido


It has been entertaining Parisians since 1946 and has hosted the likes of Elton John, Edith Piaf and Marlene Dietrich. You’ll find this cabaret to be a thoroughly up-to-date take on an old standard, and the sets, costumes and choreography will wow you.

You can book tickets through this link.

It has been entertaining Parisians since 1946 and has hosted the likes of Elton John, Edith Piaf and Marlene Dietrich. You’ll find this cabaret to be a thoroughly up-to-date take …


It has been entertaining Parisians since 1946 and has hosted the likes of Elton John, Edith Piaf and Marlene Dietrich. You’ll find this cabaret to be a thoroughly up-to-date take on an old standard, and the sets, costumes and choreography will wow you.

You can book tickets through this link.


Le Lido

Le Lido

It has been entertaining Parisians since 1946 and has hosted the likes of Elton John, Edith Piaf and Marlene Dietrich. You’ll find this cabaret to be a thoroughly up-to-date take on an old standard, and the sets, costumes and choreography will wow you.

You can book tickets through this link.

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