Palais de Tokyo

Le Palais de Tokyo


Le Palais de Tokyo, Paris's rebellious anti-museum, has been tearing up the art rule-book for 15 years. It has exhibitions of contemporary and emerging artists of all kinds.

You can buy tickets through this link.

Le Palais de Tokyo, Paris's rebellious anti-museum, has been tearing up the art rule-book for 15 years. It has exhibitions of contemporary and emerging artists of all kinds.

You can …


Le Palais de Tokyo, Paris's rebellious anti-museum, has been tearing up the art rule-book for 15 years. It has exhibitions of contemporary and emerging artists of all kinds.

You can buy tickets through this link.


Le Palais de Tokyo

Palais de Tokyo

Le Palais de Tokyo, Paris's rebellious anti-museum, has been tearing up the art rule-book for 15 years. It has exhibitions of contemporary and emerging artists of all kinds.

You can buy tickets through this link.

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