Lobkowiczký palác

Midday Concert at Lobkowicz Palace


Enjoy a romantic classical music concert for an hour in Lobkowicz Palace, the only privately owned building in the Prague Castle complex. Listen to members of the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra play in the Baroque Concert Hall.

You can buy tickets through this link.

Enjoy a romantic classical music concert for an hour in Lobkowicz Palace, the only privately owned building in the Prague Castle complex. Listen to members of the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra …


Enjoy a romantic classical music concert for an hour in Lobkowicz Palace, the only privately owned building in the Prague Castle complex. Listen to members of the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra play in the Baroque Concert Hall.

You can buy tickets through this link.


Midday Concert at Lobkowicz Palace

Lobkowiczký palác

Enjoy a romantic classical music concert for an hour in Lobkowicz Palace, the only privately owned building in the Prague Castle complex. Listen to members of the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra play in the Baroque Concert Hall.

You can buy tickets through this link.

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