Comida Local

Comida, actividades y lugares para disfrutar de la mejor gastronomía de Budapest



Platos típicos, dulces y bebidas que deberías probar



Thin crêpe-like variety of pancake that can be filled with jam or chocolate cream.


Hungarian Ratatouille

Vegetable ragout with some variations like rice or chicken.

Chicken with Paprika

The second most famous Hungarian dish

Chicken with paprika and sour cream.


Vegetable and meat stew

It's the most famous stew in Hungary. It consists of cow meat, vegetables including potatoes, pepper and other species.

Salami and Sausages

Salami and Sausages

Both are very common in Budapest, they can be found in almost every market, and they always have really good quality.

Goose liver Pâté


One of the best known gourmet products of Hungary.

Bares y Restaurantes

Bares y Restaurantes

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