Comida Local

Comida, actividades y lugares para disfrutar de la mejor gastronomía de Kraków



Platos típicos, dulces y bebidas que deberías probar

Placki Ziemniaczane

Potato pancakes

Best with sour cream or meat sauce.

Obwarzanek krakowski

Type of pretzel

This is traditionally sold in carts on the streets. It's a type of pretzel, a piece of braided bread in the shape of a ring that is topped with salt, …


This is traditionally sold in carts on the streets. It's a type of pretzel, a piece of braided bread in the shape of a ring that is topped with salt, sesame seeds, cheese, poppy seeds, and other ingredients. Perfect for a snack while exploring.




You'll find them filled with everything: with cottage cheese and potatoes or cabbage and mushrooms or with meat.


Pork lard spread or butter

Smalec is usually made of butter or pork lard with onions and it's normally accompanied by fermented pickles.

Vodka with food pairings

Vodka with Polish 'tapas'

Vodka is one of the most famous drinks in Poland, actually it's said that Polish Vodka is one of the best of the world. It's pretty normal to find an …


Vodka is one of the most famous drinks in Poland, actually it's said that Polish Vodka is one of the best of the world. It's pretty normal to find an option in the menus that consist of shots of vodka paired with Polish snacks, like tapas, in which you'll be able to try different tastes of Polish food and some of the best vodka in the world!


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