Oslo Local Hero

I like the people here, nature, how the city sometimes feels like a small town, wonderful new resturants and I want you to love it too!

My Oslo:

I am up to date on the the best resturants in all categories in Oslo, and can find the perfect place for any occation, the same with nigthlife. I have … I am up to date on the the best resturants in all categories in Oslo, and can find the perfect place for any occation, the same with nigthlife. I have a lot of tips that can help you get the most out of your stay. I know the city well and can help you find the special places in the city that gives you unique memories. I can also suggest some nice hiking trips and other fun activities. + More

My skills:



Night life




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Your tailored travel guide

Travel planning for each day of your stay: Main attractions, secret spots, local bars and restaurants…

Travel planning for each day of your stay: Main attractions, secret spots, local bars and restaurants…

The best tips & tricks for each spot, to enjoy the city like a local

Your Local Hero will be available to solve all your doubts and adapt your trip to your tastes and needs

Adapted to your travel dates:
flea markets, local festivals, art expos, concerts…

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